Let's Talk About Passport Bros and Where Feminism Failed with Steve Didier

Episode 46 October 02, 2023 01:25:46
Let's Talk About Passport Bros and Where Feminism Failed with Steve Didier
None of Your Business
Let's Talk About Passport Bros and Where Feminism Failed with Steve Didier

Oct 02 2023 | 01:25:46


Show Notes

This has been a conversation I've always wanted to have!

A few weeks ago, I discovered "passport bros", defined in Urban Dictionary as "men* who have chosen to seek out foreign women, typically from other countries, for relationships. They believe that western women have been influenced by cultural and societal pressures to behave in a certain way, and that by seeking out foreign women, they can find a more authentic, fulfilling, and harmonious relationship. This is seen as a way to restore the natural balance between masculine and feminine energy, and to avoid the "wickedness" of western women."

*Mostly referring to American men

Definitely very fascinating, and I wanted to talk to one who went through a meaningful reflection process before just colloquially identifiying as one.

Steve, a successful Founder and entrepreneur with a thriving location independent business and investments, sat with me to talk about his experience with women, why he prefers dating women abroad, and personal stories of how he saw women around him change as the years went by.

One of the highlights of this conversation was how feminism morphed its meaning throughout the years. Maybe it's a branding issue, maybe it's a reflection of culture. And how THIS, contributed to the rise of "passport bros".

Listen with an open mind....and an open bag of Doritos. LOL

Follow me on Instagram to get updated on the latest None of Your Business episodes: @karlastefan.

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