As entrepreneurs, let's stop lying--- we're here to MAKE MONEY.
Making money can feel like a personal journey that's filled with highs and lows, though. We might start businesses to build wealth, but when it comes down to it, knowing how to use money in smart and effective ways, plus knowing how to act, and feel around money is an art form...and a lifelong process of learning.
That's why I'm so grateful for any lessons- mistakes, heartaches included- I've learned along the way.
Sneak peek:
In this podcast episode, I dig into some of the biggest money milestones I've achieved and the principles I imbibed that got me there.
This isn't just about managing money - it's about understanding the sometimes complicated relationship we have with money and paving our own path towards our own version of "money success".
Follow me on Instagram @karlastefan if you want more money-related convos.
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