For a while now, I’ve always thought about the looming societal collapse brought about by porn. This started when I read about this OnlyFans chick setting out ads to attract 100 guys who want to have sex with her in one day.
That news was so shocking to me, and the more I delved into its story, it broke my heart how big the problem is. As luck would have it, I chanced upon an old friend at one of my favorite wellness spas in Playa, and learned that he helps men quit porn addiction and assists them in optimizing the other parts of their life.
My friend– Devin McDermott. He got into the porn addiction recovery industry after overcoming a 13-year addiction, which was extremely difficult for him, and then, after feeling how much his life improved because of that change (and all the other changes I had to make in order to successfully quit...) he decided he wanted to help others with it, too. Four years later, he has worked with over 125 guys from all over the world, and impacted thousands through his newsletter,
I invited Devin to come on the pod to discuss this, and we’d love for you to sit with us and do a deep dive into this topic. We chatted about…
I had a really great time discussing this with Devin, and it was so refreshing to discuss this with the male perspective because I felt like it made our conversation more holistic.
Check out Devin’s work on X:
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If you need help with porn addiction or any digital vices, get in touch with Devin or check out his newsletter. It’s a great stepping stone to getting the help that you need, and there is no shame in getting expert help get you to your best potential. You deserve it. You deserve to get there. :)
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