Latest Episodes

Lessons from My First Golf Tournament with My Husband
Today, I’m sharing all the unexpected lessons I learned from joining my first-ever golf tournament—with my husband. If you’ve ever thought about working with...

Starting the Year Right with Proper Goal Setting and Motivation with Life Coach Josh Froc
As the new year rolls around, we are always faced with this sense of a fresh start. Optimism. New goals. New challenges. Somehow a...

Helping Men Quit Porn and Other Vices with Devin McDermott
For a while now, I’ve always thought about the looming societal collapse brought about by porn. This started when I read about this OnlyFans...

Karla's Greatest Hits: Designing Your Home for Your Ideal Life
What if you are 100% intentional on where you build your home, grow your business, and live your life? My views on picking a...

On Burnout and Business Exits with Business Coach Jamie Toyne
Burnout may be an overused or misused word in the entrepreneur world. However, it’s a glaring ambulance siren that needs to be paid attention...

Karla's Greatest Hits: Planning a Company Retreat for Your Fully Remote Team
My biggest business investment this year was our company retreat. I flew in my management team to Davao, Philippines (where I was visiting family...